Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have mentioned that I have not yet (yes, I'll get to it, soon, really, I promise) touched my iPod Touch. Could it be the 1,470+ books from 2010 that are asking for my undivided attention? Can it be that "podcasting" is a term only about 6 years old, at most? Is it ok if sometimes I listen to the radio and not subscribe to the podcast? And ok if sometimes I get my learning from YouTube? Did I mention that I like to be free to move around the web and listen to what I like? Like RSS feeds, there's a cumulative and therefore somewhat scary quality to podcast subscriptions. I've had years and years to get used to not keeping up with The New Yorker; I'm not planning to have scores of podcasts piling up around me. Their covers aren't as lovely.

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