Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ce que vous aimez (from 2007)

circus amaze
What you like.
The art of reading, doing, thinking, writing, saying, knowing...
ce que vous aimez.

The two books I've encountered in as many days of real vacation both feature women who go off to Maine islands and adopt dogs. I did not go looking for Maine escape literature, or even books about dogs, but there it is.
My mother likes spicy foods, so we went in search of good Thai food, a cuisine she'd not experienced often, but we knew that the heat could be very satisfying. The restaurant staff were lovely and gracious, and saw her coming and muted all the chilis into what seemed to my mother a kind of blandness.
My mother also likes big loud movies where heroes are double-crossed but get revenge. So do my sister and I. So when we took her to see Live Free or Die Hard the weekend it opened and got some looks of askance on the part of the box office staff who saw two rather zaftig women trailing a slender white-haired and frail looking older lady into the theatre it just rolled right off us. They probably thought we came to see Bruce Willis, but I really had to make a bit of an effort to avoid thinking about his politics.

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