Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thing 6

I will remember BigHugeLabs.com—it would be nice to make a set of trading cards for a gift. Also, I found a lovely green photo of bubbles at http://krazydad.com/colrpickr/ that made me think that’s what Owen Jester would have seen underwater in Graham Pond from the rounded window of his submersible. I haven’t used Flickr or any of the other photo sites as much as I would have years ago—part of it is the time involved in getting the pix from my phone or camera onto my laptop and then onto the site. So my philosophical, probably lame, excuse is that we seem to be surrounded by photos and images, almost to the forgetting of what our own memories, fickle as they are, store for us.
While looking for inspiration, I noticed that Thing 6 for the Cambridge University Libraries 23 Things project is actually an intro to Google Calendar. I loved Google Calendar for about a year. I had different colors for sports, music lessons, my life, my family’s activities and commitments. Then…again: was I just amusing myself or really saving time? Of course, around that time my older child began to keep his own calendar, drive himself (and occasionally his brother) to lessons and sports, and my sense of complex, frantic hours faded. But in the spirit of online tool discovery, I continue to enjoy using Doodle to plan group gatherings.

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